The Ingenious Work Principle of
Our State-of-the-Art Oxygen Machine
Embrace the Power of PSA Oxygen Technology! Our process for creating pure oxygen gas from compressed air harnesses the exceptional capability of Zeolite Molecular Sieve (ZMS) to selectively absorb nitrogen. As nitrogen is efficiently captured within the intricate pore system of the ZMS, the result is a stream of oxygen with unmatched purity, ready for your needs.
Discover the Unparalleled Advantage of YANGTIAN
Oxygen Machine Excellence
* Experience the most reliable technology that stands the test of time.
* Benefit from cutting-edge, economical air separation modules, designed for exceptionally low power consumption.
* Enjoy the simplicity of our engineering design, where fewer components translate to reduced maintenance costs.
* Experience the ease of automated operation for maximum efficiency.
* Our turn-key solutions come pre-commissioned, ready for immediate use.
* With a skid-mounted design, installation is straightforward and hassle-free.
* Our durable molecular sieve and robust steel structures guarantee a longer lifespan.
* We offer a bespoke one-on-one service mode, ensuring personalized attention with one dedicated salesperson and one engineer for every
oxygen machine.
Product Description